Traffic and Safety

A primary responsibility of West School parents and teachers is student safety. You can support this by following our traffic guidelines, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Please take a moment to review the Traffic Flow and Control Map.  We appreciate your support in driving slowly and carefully on campus to ensure student safety. As a reminder, California law provides for a speed limit of 25 mph when driving within 500 to 1,000 feet of a school while children are outside or crossing the street.

Parking Lot by Kindergarten:

West Main Driveway:

Barbara Way:

There is NO PARKING during:
Regular School Days 8:00-9:00am and 2:30-3:00pm
AND Thursdays/Minimum Days 8:00-9:00am and 1:00-2:00pm. 

This makes the street open for walkers and cars to get by safely.  

Roberts and Alberta Way:

Be Safety Conscious and Alert-Drive slowly and watch carefully for all pedestrians, especially children. Children become easily distracted and may forget to look out for cars.

We have a crossing guard at the corner of Hayne and Barbara Way every day from 8:00- 9:00 am and 2:30-3:30 pm.


Children should be in third grade before riding a bicycle to school. Bicycle riders should wear approved safety helmets and have a sturdy lock. Upon reaching school grounds, riders should dismount and WALK their bicycles to the bicycle racks. Bicycles should remain locked during the school day.