Traffic and Safety
A primary responsibility of West School parents and teachers is student safety. You can support this by following our traffic guidelines, especially during drop-off and pick-up times. Please take a moment to review the Traffic Flow and Control Map. We appreciate your support in driving slowly and carefully on campus to ensure student safety. As a reminder, California law provides for a speed limit of 25 mph when driving within 500 to 1,000 feet of a school while children are outside or crossing the street.
Parking Lot by Kindergarten:
Drivers: Please do NOT use this lot as a waiting area for dropping off or picking up students. Cars must be actively moving, looking for parking spaces.
Walkers: Please make sure to walk your children on the path along the back of the Kindergarten buildings. Do NOT walk with your children across the parking lot as it gets very busy and accidents will happen.
West Main Driveway:
Morning Drop-Off (8:15am-8:30am): Please line up on the RIGHT LANE for dropping off students – 5th grade Principal Advisors or parent volunteers will open car door to assist students exiting the car.
Afternoon Pick-Up (2:45pm-3:20pm): Please line up on the RIGHT LANE to pick up students. Staff/Teachers will help to open the door for your child. IF your child is not present, you will have to park or drive around.
At all times, the LEFT LANE is for cars driving through or looking for parking at designated spaces.
Barbara Way:
Please observe the NO PARKING SIGNS along both sides of West School.
There is NO PARKING during:
Regular School Days 8:00-9:00am and 2:30-3:00pm
AND Thursdays/Minimum Days 8:00-9:00am and 1:00-2:00pm.
This makes the street open for walkers and cars to get by safely.
Roberts and Alberta Way:
Please be mindful of our neighbors. These streets are not intended as a drop-off or pick-up. Paths lead to a busy parking lot or the Upper playground-both that are unsupervised.
At all times, please respect surrounding neighbors and do not block their driveways or mailbox access.
Be Safety Conscious and Alert-Drive slowly and watch carefully for all pedestrians, especially children. Children become easily distracted and may forget to look out for cars.
We have a crossing guard at the corner of Hayne and Barbara Way every day from 8:00- 9:00 am and 2:30-3:30 pm.
Children should be in third grade before riding a bicycle to school. Bicycle riders should wear approved safety helmets and have a sturdy lock. Upon reaching school grounds, riders should dismount and WALK their bicycles to the bicycle racks. Bicycles should remain locked during the school day.