WPG Executive Board

The Executive Board of the West Parent Group consists of parents of currently enrolled West students who volunteer to represent the school parent community and liaise between the Principal, district leaders and other HCSD parent groups.    There is opportunity to join the Executive Board in the spring of each year to serve our parent community for the entirety of the following school year.   Anyone can join!

Take a look at the Executive Board Job Descriptions to learn more about each position.

2023-2024 Executive Board Members

President: Wendie Leung

Vice President: Nesa Bergman

Treasurer: Kimi Tsui and Sandra Chow

Secretary: Tirzah Lassahn

VP of Events: Kari Schiro & Beth Watson

VP of Volunteers: Sasha Gimbel & Kat Hai

VP of Communications: Becky Leao & Grace Liu

Trustee Representatives: Jackie Chang

Allocations Chair (Invited): Linda Ng

Service Learning Chairs (Invited): Susan Shih, Nisha Somani & Caroline Zinchik

Site Council Representative (Invited): TBD

Past Board Members


Co-Presidents: Danielle Chiang & Mona Kashani

Vice President: Wendie Leung

Treasurer: Kimi Tsui

Secretary: Nesa Bergman

VP of Events: Kristina Lo & Kari Schiro

VP of Volunteers: Sasha Gimbel & Ericka Silva

VP of Communications: Becky Leao & Grace Liu

Trustee Representatives: Rita Lee & Ann Leung

Allocations Chair (Invited): Linda Ng

Service Learning Chairs (Invited): Susan Shih & Nisha Somani