School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a committee composed of parents, teachers, and staff, with the primary responsibility for "identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program" (School Improvement Office, California Department of Education, November 1991).  Each public school in California has a local SSC. SSC's basic principle is that those individuals who are most affected by the operations of their schools should have a major role in the decisions regarding how the school functions.  Each segment of the school community that makes up the SSC brings a unique perspective and knowledge of how the school currently functions and how it might be improved and strengthened to offer the best possible program to students. 

The California Education Code requires School Site Councils to:

The purpose of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to raise the academic performance of all students to the level of state achievement standards”. Based on our State’s Educational Code (Sections 41507, 41572, 64001) and the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) each school must combine all plans involving state and federal funding into one comprehensive school plan.  

California Education Code

(Below are some selected sections of the California Education Code, relevant to School Site Councils.)

Section 52012

A school site council shall be established at each school that participates in the school improvement program authorized by this chapter. The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school. At the elementary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel; and (b) parents or other community members selected by parents. In schools with fewer than three teachers, this requirement may be met by establishing a council that is composed of equal numbers of school staff and parents or other community members selected by parents. At the secondary level the council shall be constituted to ensure parity between (a) the principal, classroom teachers and other school personnel and (b) equal numbers of parents or other community members selected by parents, and pupils.

Section 52001

(a) “Other school personnel” means persons who work directly and on a regular basis with pupils, including administrative employees, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 33150, pupil services employees, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 33150, and classified employees.

(b) “Community member” means a person who is neither in the employment of the school district, nor the parent or guardian of a pupil attending the participating school.

Section 52852

A school site council shall be established at each school which participates in school-based program coordination. The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: teachers selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by other school personnel at the school; parents of pupils attending the school selected by such parents; and, in secondary schools, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.

At the elementary level, the minimum council size is 10 members.

At the secondary level, the minimum council size is 12.

Student Participation is optional at the middle school level.

Section 64001[...] School districts shall assure [...] that the Single Plan for [Student] Achievement has been prepared in accordance with the law, that school site councils have developed and approved a plan [...] and that [the] plans were developed with the review, certification, and advise of any applicable school advisory committees.

Section 64001(g)

The plan required by this section shall be reviewed annually and updated, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the consolidated application, by the school site council, or, if the school does not have a school site council, by school-wide advisory groups or school support groups that conform to the requirements of Section 52012. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the governing board of the local education agency at a regularly scheduled meeting whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for students covered by programs.


Section 4000. Classroom Teacher.

“Classroom teacher” means all teachers as defined in former Education Code Section 33150(b) except those included in the definition of “other school personnel” as defined in former Education Code Section 52001(a), (b) See above.

Section 4001. Parity.

“Parity” of membership between various groups of persons identified in former Education Code section 52012 and Education Code section 52852 means equal numbers of persons.

Section 4002. Parent Eligible for Membership on the School-Site Council.

“Parent eligible for membership on the school site council” means a person who is the mother, father, or legal guardian, or one acting in loco parentis of a pupil attending the particular school but who is not employed at the school attended by such pupil.

2023-2024 SSC Members and Meeting Dates TBD

2022-2023 SSC Members:

Kari Schiro (Year 1) 

Nesa Bergman (Year 2)

Shu Lin Pang (Year 2)


Heather Mata, Principal

Stephanie Newblanc-Specialists Representative- (Year 1)

Kate Madden (Roberts) -Upper-Grade Representative (Year 2)

Ghada Saba- ParaEducator ( Year 2)

2022-2023 Site Council Meetings

                                    10/23, 11/9, 12/5, 4/10, 5/10 -3:15 pm